πŸš€ Β‘Nuevo! builderbot cloud para No-code Β‘PruΓ©balo gratis!


Welcome to the BuilderBot Contribution Guide We're glad to have you here.

This page provides instructions on how to edit BuilderBot documentation. Our goal is to ensure that everyone in the community feels empowered to contribute and improve our documentation.

Quick View

Why Contribute?

Open source work never ends, and neither does documentation. Contributing to the documentation is a great way for beginners to get involved in open source and for experienced developers to clarify more complex issues while sharing their knowledge with the community.

By contributing to BuilderBot documentation, you help us create a more robust learning resource for all developers. If you've found a typo, a confusing section, or noticed that a particular topic is missing, your contributions are welcome and appreciated.

How to Contribute

The content of the documentation is located in the BuilderBot repository. To contribute, you can edit the files directly on GitHub or clone the repository and edit the files locally.

GitHub Workflow

If you're new to GitHub, we recommend you read the GitHub Open Source Guide to learn how to fork a repository, create a branch, and send a pull request.

Writing MDX

The docs are written in MDX, a markdown format that supports JSX syntax. This allows us to embed React components in the docs. See the GitHub Markdown Guide for a quick overview of markdown syntax.


Previewing Changes Locally

VSCode has a built-in markdown previewer that you can use to see your edits locally. To enable the previewer for MDX files, you'll need to add a configuration option to your user settings.

Open the command palette (⌘ + ⇧ + P on Mac or Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows) and search from Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON).

Then, add the following line to your settings.json file:

  "files.associations": {
    "*.mdx": "markdown"

Next, open the command palette again, and search for Markdown: Preview File or Markdown: Open Preview to the Side. This will open a preview window where you can see your formatted changes.


We also recommend the following extensions for VSCode users:

  • MDX: Intellisense and syntax highlighting for MDX.
  • Grammarly: Grammar and spell checker.
  • Prettier: Format MDX files on save.

Review Process

Once you have submitted your contribution, a Core Team member will review your changes, provide feedback and merge the pull request when ready.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need further assistance in the comments of your PR. Thank you for contributing to the BuilderBot docs and for being part of our community.

File Structure

Documents use file system routing. Each folder and file within /pages represents a path segment. These segments are used to generate URL paths, navigation and breadcrumbs.

β”œβ”€β”€ showcases
β”‚   └── api-use.mdx
└── ...

Each folder prefix en, es, pt represents the language in which the content is represented.

β”œβ”€β”€ showcases
β”‚   └── api-use.mdx
└── ...
β”œβ”€β”€ showcases
β”‚   └── api-use.mdx
└── ...
β”œβ”€β”€ showcases
β”‚   └── api-use.mdx
└── ...

Required Fields

The following fields are required:

descriptionThe page's description, used in the <meta name="description"> tag for SEO.
titleThe page's <h1> title, used for SEO and OG Images.
export const description = 'In this guide, we will talk ...'

# Community

Code Blocks

The code blocks must contain a minimal working example that can be copied and pasted. This means that the code must be able to run without any additional configuration.

For example if we want to print TS or JS code


const flow = addKeyword('hello')
    .addAnswer(`What is your name?`, { capture: true }, async (ctx, { state }) => {
        await state.update({ name: ctx.body })
    .addAction(async (ctx, { state, flowDynamic }) => {
        const name = state.get('name')
        await flowDynamic(`Your name is: ${name}`)

Always run examples locally before committing them. This will ensure that the code is up-to-date and working.

Language and Filename

Code blocks should have a header that includes the language and the filename. Add a filename prop to render a special Terminal icon that helps orientate users where to input the command. For example:

```ts {{ title: 'example.ts' }}
const flow = addKeyword('hello')
    .addAnswer(`What is your name?`, { capture: true }, async (ctx, { state }) => {
        await state.update({ name: ctx.body })
    .addAction(async (ctx, { state, flowDynamic }) => {
        const name = state.get('name')
        await flowDynamic(`Your name is: ${name}`)

Most examples in the docs are written in tsx and jsx, and a few in bash. However, you can use any supported language, here's the full list.

When writing JavaScript code blocks, we use the following language and extension combinations.

JavaScript files```js.js
TypeScript files```ts.ts

Grouped code blocks

Sometimes we will need to represent a group of blocks of code grouped together even with different file names and in multiple languages we can do it in the following way

  import { createBot } from '@builderbot/bot';
  import { flow } from "./flow";
  import { database } from "./database";
  import { provider } from "./provider";
  import { ai } from "./services/ai";

  const main = async () => {
  await createBot({
          extensions: {
          ai // Dependency AI 


The template already provides internally a <CodeGroup> component that has the ability to interpret code blocks.

```ts {{ title: 'app.ts' }}
  import { createBot } from '@builderbot/bot';
  import { flow } from "./flow";
  import { database } from "./database";
  import { provider } from "./provider";
  import { ai } from "./services/ai";

  const main = async () => {
  await createBot({
          extensions: {
          ai // Dependency AI 

```ts {{ title: 'provider/index.ts' }}
  import { createProvider } from '@builderbot/bot';
  import { BaileysProvider } from '@builderbot/provider-baileys';

  export const provider = createProvider(BaileysProvider)
```ts {{ title: 'database/index.ts' }}
  export const database = new MemoryDB()
```ts {{ title: 'flow/index.ts' }}
  import { createFlow } from '@builderbot/bot';
  import { flowWelcome } from "./welcome.flow";
  import { byeFlow } from "./bye.flow";
  import { mediaFlow } from "./media.flow";
  // other flows....

  export const flow =  createFlow([flowWelcome, byeFlow, mediaFlow])
```ts {{ title: 'flow/welcome.flow.ts' }}
  import { addKeyword, EVENTS } from '@builderbot/bot';

  export const flowWelcome = addKeyword(EVENTS.WELCOME)
  .addAction(async (ctx, {flowDynamic, extensions})=> {
    const { ai } = extensions
    const talkWithGPT = ai.chat(ctx.body) // Dependency AI from app.ts
    await flowDynamic(talkWithGPT)
```ts {{ title: 'services/ai.ts' }}
  // ....
  export const ai = new AiService(process.env.OPEN_AI_KEY);


My first chatbot

Learn how build your first chatbot in few minutes

Read more


Understand the essential concepts for building bots

Read more

Add Functions

The key to learning how to write flows is add-functions.

Read more


Unlimitate and start implementing the community plugins.

Read more



Learn how to modularise flows so that you can have a more maintainable bot.

Send Message

How to send a message via HTTP to start conversations, you can send multimedia as well.


A good practice is to dockerise your bots to make them more maintainable and effective.


Learning about events will make us more fluent when creating chatbots.