🚀 ¡Nuevo! builderbot cloud para No-code ¡Pruébalo gratis!

Getting Starter

Postgres database supports other types of connections as in this case it is Supabase, let's take a quick tour on the Supabase platform to get our database credentials

The first thing is to create your account if you don't have one yet Supabase account. Log in with your Github user

The second thing is to create an organization which is the one that allows you to create projects, this part is intuitive, create one then the other The database will ask you for a strong key, copy it and save it in a safe place, you will need it later for the connection :)

Once we have our database ready, the next thing is to go to the project configuration section

when clicking on database we will see all our configuration, you must copy each one do not forget that the key is the same when creating the project

at the end you should be able to configure your database as follows


My first chatbot

Learn how build your first chatbot in few minutes

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Understand the essential concepts for building bots

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Add Functions

The key to learning how to write flows is add-functions.

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Unlimitate and start implementing the community plugins.

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Learn how to modularise flows so that you can have a more maintainable bot.

Send Message

How to send a message via HTTP to start conversations, you can send multimedia as well.


A good practice is to dockerise your bots to make them more maintainable and effective.


Learning about events will make us more fluent when creating chatbots.